Monday, April 20, 2009

About Our Little Famdamily-

So here's a little bit about our little family and what we've been doing lately.

Lets start with Tailee (Punkin)

She is our perfect little angel. She goes to preschool 2 days a week, and dancing on one. Her teachers all say that she is a very good girl in class and she is very smart! My little baby even gets to start Kintergarten next year :( She is So excited to be a big girl. She loves to play dolls, house, school, Playing with her cousins, and most of all be the boss of her little brother. It's hard to believe she is going to be 5 this year, she is getting so big!

Chacen (Magoo)

He is our little monster! He always has this look on his face like- I know something you don't know- The little shitter. He loves running around, reading to himself, Animals (but most of all Cats and our dog Cocoa). He LOVES tractors! They are his absolute favorite thing in the world. Well, them and dads big red truck. He likes to cuddle with his mommy or daddy, and playing outside. He is so precious. We love him to death.

Me and Chance

We don't really do anything new. Chance is still jobless after being layed off in January. He applies for every job available, but it's really hard to compete with 80 other people at once. He has had at least 20 interviews but still no job. Hopefully he will get one soon. I still work at ShopKo Pharmacy in Brigham City as a Pharmacy Technician. I've worked there for about 4 years now and I love it. I know I am very blessed to have a job I love to go to. We are getting excited for spring and some warm weather. Chance and the kids can't stand being inside all the time. (I don't mind). We get to go visit my Dad and Sister down south for my birthday in the first of May. It will be a great vacation. Other than that we aren't really doing much this year. Well thats about it for us I guess.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today was Easter and our kids had a blast! Tailee (Our 4 yr. old) wanted a bike and a power wheels Toyota. The Easter Bunny Left her a note in her basket that said, "Tailee, I left you a special suprise on the back porch. Love, The Easter Bunny." She was so excited and ran out to the back porch to check it out. When she got there she looked at her new bike and said, where's my Toyota?! then walked back in the house. What a little shitter. Eventually she got over only getting a new bike, bubbles, clothes, Easter Dress and shoes, candy, playdoh, & 3 puzzles. Chacen (our 1 1/2 yr. old) found his basket, which was a giant toy dump truck filled with stuff, and just kept on picking up the eggs on the floor. He could care less about the big stuff, he just wanted to get the eggs. We took Tailee's new bike for a ride after breakfast and played outside with the new toys the whole day. Thank god for the great weather! Chance and I both got little gifts but we don't care as long as our kids have fun, and they did.